The last rays of the sun disappear behind the hills. Darkness covers the city.
Coldness creeps into the bones, street lights replace the day. A rat flees from a night owl. The later hours let more and more lights disappear, tranquility is awaiting hustle and bustle, is waiting for the day. But when most people close their eyes, the alarm clocks of others ring. Night workers - from dusk till dawn.
Night workers -
from dusk till dawn.
Businesses must operate even during nighttime as is reserved for making sure that things run smoothly. The human internal clock is controlled by the day-night rhythm, by light and darkness. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity or problems with the digestive system, higher mortality, carcinogenic - night work.

Research has shown that working at night can be harmful to health, but at the same time it is irreplaceable for our economy.
Around one third of night workers are employed in the production of cars, food or clothing. Another 22 percent of Germany's night workers are in the healthcare sector, and 11 percent work in transportation.

Through the night with
Ralph is a night watchman at the Natural History Museum in Stuttgart. His shift: 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Daniel works in a logistics hub - the pressure is on, the deliveries have to be on time - otherwise the shift extends into the early hours of the morning.
Burkhart is a shift worker at a foundry. He finds the night shift tolerable, but the evening shift is worse.

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