
Search Rescue

Documentary film · 2020

Clothes. Durable footwear. Tools.
Ready 24/7. The essentials always in your backpack.

Gerd Habel and his dog Jago are volunteer rescue specialists - together they search for missing people - in Germany. Without a dog, also worldwide. A disaster can happen at any time - with this in mind, Gerd trains for emergencies.

Gerd Habel

His commitment has so far taken him to the disaster areas of Mexico, Nepal and Indonesia. When the "search and rescue" team of I.S.A.R. Germany needs to act, they must move quickly as the odds of victims surviving decline each day. If the United Nations suggests that an international request for assistance is probable, the I.S.A.R. Germany task forces will be put on pre-alert by using a special alert loop. Within six hours, they can be ready to depart from the appropriate airport in Germany. Gerd Habel works in this team.


It can be difficult for the audience to understand Gerd's experiences during his missions. The film crew waited for a year to follow a potential international natural disaster, but there was no mission that year. This made it impossible to create a deliberate break in image and sound language through the mission.
